Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Brick Fest Live - Pasadena

 This was a typical Brick Fest Live.  Here is the setup process.

And here is the downside for this year.  All the show locations now use the plastic, fold in the middle 8 foot tables.  As you can see later, there is a large discontinuity in the middle where the fold is.  Additionally these tables can't support the weight and will sag in the middle causing an even larger discontinuity at the table interface.  In the past, the 8 foot tables were the solid wood top with the metal reinforcing rim around the bottom.  This is something I need to work on for next year.

As in the past, the process is is to start at one end assemble the slices one at a time.  The power is checked on each slice before assembly.  Don't want to find out there is an issue when the whole display is assembled.

On the Friday before when we are setting up, we generally get it mostly done.  But there is still some last minute detailing.  The venue opens at 8AM for the Displayers and to the public at 9AM.  So in that one hour I will go around and just add/correct last minute detailing.

Here you can see the back of the Space outpost.  

And the show opens.

Disassembly takes about half the time of setup.  Generally when the show closes at 4PM, we are on the road by 6:30PM, if not sooner.

Also here is a link to YouTube video of a vlog from a family.  Not endorsing anything they say, but it gives a good overview of the event.

Brick Fest Live 2024 in Pasadena

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