Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Main Entrance Rebuild - Part THREE


 Below is picture sequence of re-building the Main Entrance.  I am making some changes along the way.  In the two years since this was orginally built, 1) I have a wider variety of parts and 2) a little more skill.  So I am making changes to improve the structural integrity (and this make it easier to transport) and to redo the way the wiring is done.

Also I will have to make accommodation for the new sliding doors along the way.

One of the big changes was the plates used for the floor of the conference room and the briefing room.  Before it was a Hodge Podge of plates that I had.  Now it is minimized and constructed in such way to provide maximum structural integrity.

I am making progress, though I can see that things will have to change further once I start the sliding door integration.

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