Well after the holidays and my day job once again getting my way, I had to take a small break. But I have been working on things. Here is the first pass at getting the horizontal generator working.
First was getting a motor into the base and gearing it down. Unfortunately my current version of the motor controller does not have speed control right now.
A basic gear reduction and then a 4x4 gear box (#6585) to move the axle rotation to the perpendicular.
Then cover it up with plate except for where the axle comes out.
A wider view of what is happening.
Now we start to add the horizontal generator pieces. As noted before, the vertical axle is not on center, thus the long technic pins are used to adjust the frame into the correct position.
The other side is added and the frame is closed up.
The dishes are added on a long axle to complete the spinning portion.
The trans-blue cones are added to cover up the spinning portion. Consoles were added to start the detailing process.
More detailing with minifigs and tiles.
A different view.
My youngest son was home over the holiday weekend and helped with this detailing. The control panels do add a nice detail.
Just a different view.
During this process and during the creative collaboration with both of my sons on this platform, we have come up with some other detailing. We found an old Space set with an interesting cannon using a small cylinder. So there will be one on each side in the front. And then the same type of cylinder will be connected to the generator on a spinning platform. Then it is just getting the lighting correct and we should have a rather impressing platform for the planetary base.