One my tasks I needed to do was to refactor the PIC32 firmware. When you build the firmware in Harmony, it places most of the newly generated code in APP.C and APP.H. This is not very modular, especially if you want to reuse features in a follow on project. Here is what I did:
- Moved all of the USB functionality (source and headers) to a separate module. This contains the Harmony framework state machines for USB Tasks, USB Device Events and USB HID events. All of the variables are contained in a usbData structure instead of the appData structure. Finally it also includes generic application level handling of the messages.
- Created a generic I2C header for use by the different I2C modules
- Created a module for the LP5569 LED light controller IC routines, state machine and I2C implementation. This uses the generic I2C header file to create the I2C tasks specific to the LP5569.
- Created a module for the motor control and control of LED10, since these are all connected to output compare peripherals in the PIC32. This generates the PWM control for the motors and LED10.
- Created a module to handle the script execution. This was not part of the Harmony framework, so it was already on the path as a separate module.
- Created a module for the RN4020 BT Module. This includes the routines for the USART port that connects the RN4020 to the PIC32.
- Create a module that handles the MP3 state machines and control routines for the VS1053 MP3 decoder chip. (This is actually a TODO item, since I have not tested the new board yet.)
- Create a module for the file system that is contained in the SST26 FLASH memory chip that holds the MP3 music file. (This is actually a TODO item, since I have not tested the new board yet.)
So what does that leave in APP.C. As you might recall, there is a timer generating interrupts at 100ms, 500ms and 1000ms. The state machine to handle this in APP.C. My thinking was this is very specific to the Application, so it should stay in APP.C. Also APP_Tasks is here, which is the main application state machine. After initialization, here is the main state
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