Sunday, June 11, 2023

Floating Platform - Final


This is the final version of the floating platform, for now.  There is still more detailing that needs to be done.  Plus I have two more landing pads and 2 connector base plates that I hope to integrate in the future.  I had described some preliminary work done in these two posts,  here and here.

The 6 X 16 black plates arrived.  Above shows the final configuration of the supporting plates on the edge.   Four 8 X 8 plates and four 6 X 16 plates.

Then I filled the gaps with four 1 X 8 plates and four 1 X 12 plates.

This is the final fill.  Two 2 X16 plates, two 8 X 16 plates, one 6 X 16 plate and two 1 X 10 plates.  Since you cannot see the internal 6 X 16 black plate, that can be any color.  This will save money since the black ones seem to be more expensive.

The support frame did not change, except for adding more pin connector plates to attach the base plate to this frame.

The two pictures above show the corner connection with the T Lift arm as the feet and the pin connector plates that will connected to the plates

When I first did this as a concept, I never checked the height to see if it was close to the entrance on the Space Port module.   After noticing some sag in the bridge portion, I did some checking.  The platform was a plate to low.  So I added plates under the pin connector plates to increase the height of the platform.

Now it is at the correct level.

There is still a lot of detailing work that can be done.  But for now it is done,  

On to Brick Fest Live in San Jose.

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