Thursday, December 7, 2023

More LED Wiring

The new additions all needed LED lighting.  I used the same techniques as before.  You can see the 2 x 2 modified plate with pin holes everywhere acting as a form of conduit.  What has changed is wire.  Instead of two 30 gauge wires twisted together, I am now using 2 conductor 30 gauge ribbon cable.  It is from the same company and has a silicone jacket so I don't have to worry about shrinkage when soldering.  Here is the Amazon link to the wire.  The twisted wire will actually go into smaller places than the ribbon cable.  This is because the twisted wire is more round and the ribbon cable is going to be rectangular.  Now with that said, that issue will not com up too many times.  

Here you can see I am going through the holes in the Technic bricks. This also serves to hold the wire up against the ceiling so it cannot be seen.

Another example of how to use the 2 x 2 modified plates.

What is interesting here is that the wire is small enough to go through the pins that are holding the Technic bricks together.  Thus when passing through Technic bricks there are few restrictions as to which holes can be used.

These just show placement of the LEDs and the 2 x 2 modified plates.








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