For the last month or more I have been working on Software and Device firmware. I have not posted because this work is extremely boring, except for a very few. Last summer I embarked on a project to consolidate the all the device firmware and the PC/Android software. It was extremely cumbersome to constantly have to make the same changes in multiple places. But this project was much larger than I thought. But it has made a huge difference in developing new features, since they automatically deploy across all the devices where applicable.
The PC interfaces are now going to be consistent as are the Android interfaces. The device API will also be consistent. If the feature is not available on a particular device, a special message will be returned to indicate non-availability.
These are the updated interfaces. You can see the difference in the Light Buddy 2 interface at the top of the page and this one here. Brick Controller ONE did not have PWM control of the LEDs or the Motors, so that functionality is not shown. All the other brick and light controllers have some form of PWM.
More on these updates later.
In between I have been working on the tera forming and landscaping of the plateau area. While it is generally flat, there still needs to be some kind of terrain. This takes a lot of plates and tiles to do. Once the terrain is done, then it needs to be landscaped.
Finally I have been trying to get the first Light Controller up and running again. When I did it the first time was right at the start of COVID. Then all the parts disappeared. Now that most are back, I am updating the design.
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