Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Jet Pack Base Build (Part 2)

Now that the motor infrastructure is in place, it is time to construct the top.

This shows the covering with holes for the drive shafts for the two towers and the hole for the rising platform.

This sequence of pictures shows the construction of one of the tower base supports.

I had originally started with bars in TAN, but did not like the look.  I had black ones so tried them.  They are not perfect, probably Sand Green would have been best, but they are not available.  Also had two on each side, but the edge showed though, so I reduced to one on the right facing side.

Here is both towers and the back wall.   For the deck plating I went with Light Bluish Gray (LBG) tiles and tiles with blue and lime accent.  While not evident in the pictures, the LBG is from old sets and there is some discoloration in the tiles, greenish from UV exposure probably.  This gives it a used look that is more realistic.  In the model train world this is called weathering.

Shown here is the rising platform.  As I may have said in an earlier post, I have given up on motorizing this feature for now.  Not enough time. 

These two pictures show how the support section for the towers was built.

This next set of pictures shows the detailing.  First the side glass is installed.

Now some Minifig detailing is added.

Finally the front glass is installed.  Spare Jetpacks are hung on the walls.  Two Minfigs are in line to board the elevator and two are on the elevator.

Next time we will finish up the Jetpack Base, waiting on some bricks to arrive.

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