Started integrating all the code that I developed earlier on the PIC32MX470 Curiosity Board. First up was getting the HID device to work. Well did not go exactly as planned. First the transferring from the Curiosity Board to the BC2 Proto by changing the BSP files there was a small burp. So I had to start that all over again.
Two things happened:
- Using the project copy function in MPLAB X, did not do what I thought it should. The code would not compile and the Harmony framework would not start. Web searches showed I was not alone in this. In the end I just manually copied the directory and then went into MPLAB X and made sure all files were relative and not absolute. To make sure there was no absolute references, I renamed the original directory.
- The Harmony framework will on occasion will want to overwrite existing code with what it thinks are changes. In reality these could be additions that were added. I assume the process is to never modify the files Harmony generates, but at least for me, this seems impossible. So when the BSP changed, other code segments I had added were deleted. Had to start over and be more diligent about the changes I approved.
With that hurdle overcome, compiling and running worked up to the point that the PC was to enumerate the USB HID device. The device was reset, but never configured and the PC announced the device was recognizable. MY first thought was the same problem I had encountered on the Curiosity board. But after examination that was not the problem. I spent a day and half looking at everything I could think of. Prepared another BC2 proto board just to see if there was a problem in assembly. Reviewed the layout and the connections, this was my first working USB Type C connector board. Everything was where and how it should be. My only clue was that it seemed to be running slow, but I assumed that some loop was taking to long since the USB wasn't working.
I had long ago connected a serial port to spew the debug messages from the Harmony framework and the ones I put in it. But now this was not working either, bits were coming but the baud rate was wrong. Curious! Checked all the code to make sure the baud rate was set correctly, no issue.
Then the light bulb went on, the clock setup had to be wrong. Even the though the code indicated it was running at 80MHz, looking further into this segment, showed it was only a #define. Now with the running slow I noted earlier, I went to look at the clock setup. Sure enough it was using the setup from the Curiosity board. Changing that to correct values and the USB HID connected to the PC followed by the PC software recognized the proto as a Brick Controller 2. Now integration can truly begin.
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