Tuesday, June 30, 2020

BC2 Integration #2

A quick update.  The LEDs and basic communication with the PC program over USB is done.  I have the same functionality that was present in the original Brick Buddy as far a s the LEDs are concerned.  Plus the same functionality in the control loop is done.  I am not ahppy with the way it works.  It is cross between the executive loop I had before and the Harmony framework of state machines.So some refactoring is in order.

Started the Motor Integration and realized it was not going to be that simple.  I have a Harmony system timer running now, Timer1 and instance IDX0.  The timer is dynamic  The motor test program used Timer 2 as the input to the CCP sections.  However this was also IDX0 and was a static implementation.  Merging these together will be challenging.  i intend to redo the motor test program using Timer 2 as IDX1 and see if that will simplify the problem.  More tomorrow.

Finally once the motor integration is done, the project will graduate to the final name, Brick Buddy 2.  so watch for it.

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