Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Space Outpost SL ONE - The Story


This year at the shows, a story line has developed.  I guess every large display needs an over arching story line to go with it.  One it is interesting for the visitors and it helps guide development of the display.

So here goes.

The Starfleet Voyager has just returned from it's latest mission.  The droids are busy restocking and preparing for the next mission.

The crew of the latest mission are marching into the Space Port with their injured comrades.  Additionally the local jet pack patrol is preparing to launch from the Space Port on their mission of local patrolling around the Space Outpost.

In the briefing room in the center section, the next crew is preparing for their turn on the Outer Rim defense.

Meanwhile in the Power Well, one of the Maintenance Team ( as designated by the M on their fronts) has fallen down into the well.  A team member is struggling to get him out.  All the while 3 supervisors look on wondering how this happened.

A droid had had a serious malfunction and blown his top, with fire coming out of the top.  Three Maintenance men are discussing the best approach to fixing this problem.

At the Vertical Generator, they are busy charging up the power canisters that the outpost needs for power.  The two Red Spacemen run the charging while the two on top monitor the generator along with the two in the Vertical Generator control room.

On the other end of the outpost, the Maintenance team is busy preparing the last of the Cosmic Ray Guns.  The small MECH is helping install the gun, while the rest of the team is preparing the pad for the generator.  The generator is hanging over the space right now. 

In the hanger bays, work continues.  Different work groups are working on walkers and the larger MECH.

Here we see three dedicated Maintenance Team members working on repairing the floor of this hanger bay.  All of this hard work, while three supervisors enjoy their coffee and doughnuts.

Finally a rogue droid is running loose and has attached itself to the side hanger support pillar.  Three Maintenance Team members and two Blue droids are working on recovering this larger worker droid.  One brave member of the Maintenance Team has climbed down an extension pole to try and reset the droid while everyone else looks on.

This is the story for now,  As more detail is added, I am sure this will expand.

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