Friday, June 1, 2018

Horizontal Generator Build (Part 3)

 I made progress on the undrlying gearing to control this platform.  It was more difficult than I thought it was going to be.  Here is where I started from.

This controlled the large generator and the two side spinning canisters.

Here is where I ended up.  The added section controls the rotation of the two large cannons. (The picture was a little fuzzy unfortunately, late at night and I was not very steady)

Another view.

Here is a closeup of one side.  The motor drives both sides simultaneously.  Then it goes though a gear reduction to slow down the rotation.  The final connection is through a pulley or rubber band connection.  That way if the rotation is two great and the cannon hits a structure it will slip.  This may take some more testing to verify this works as intended.  Finally it turns a small turntable that the cannon will mount on.

I am probably going to leave this corner area open to show the gearing.  Also I suspect that the rubber band will have to be replaced every so often and this will allow for easy access.

Next is the structure on top.

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