More progress. The actual cliff wall is not progressing, though. Mainly due to a lack of parts. Bricklink's closing temporarily has put me behind schedule. While I had placed my orders on 11/3, it was right before the shutdown. Two of the three orders were downloaded by the stores, but one did not get there before the shutdown and that one had most of the cliff pieces. They are waiting for Bricklink to come back up so they can access the order. So now I am working on the back side of this cliff wall section.
Here is the top of the plateau. The section on the left is the hanger section for the last straight section. Then comes the first turn (corner section) and then finally the space port. The space port plateau will have a corner cut off as this shows.
From this view you can see how the corner section plateau lines up with the last section plateau. The only possible connection will be to use a hinge plate to tie the two plateaus together. This mechanical connection will have to be disguised by the terraforming of the plateau that is yet to come. The same is true for the mechanical connection between the corner section plateau and the Space Port plateau.Here is a view under the plateau. Some gym equipment has been moved in. It is obvious that the second level on the curved section cliff and the Space Port cliff is too high. The equipment just barely fits. These two second levels need to come down at least one full brick height if not a little more. Just need to make sure that is not too low, such that it starts to cramp the first floor.
Squeeze here and it pops out of there.😎
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