Tuesday, January 16, 2024

First Module Rebuild - Part 3


The next step here is to put the LED lighting in the section I just finished.

I placed two LED modules (2500mcd) in the space.  You can see the two LEDs in the above photo.  The wire connecting the two LEDs runs in the groove next to the TUBES.  My normal 30 gauge wire.  I used a 1 x 2 modified plate with door rail (p/n 32028) to keep the wire in place.

The I used to two conductor 28 gauge wire to power this.  This wire will run down the back right hand corner.  Being black and in the far corner, it is very hard to see.  This wire the runs along the far left wall of the module.  A 2 x 2 brick with pin plugs into this and attached underneath is a 2 x 2 modified plate with pin hole.  The wire runs through the pin hole, which will keep it tight against the wall and away from the yellow gear you can wee in the picture.  The wire then plugs into the power port for this module. There are also two 1 x 2 modified plates with pin hole on top, and these are used to take up the slack in the wire and keep it taught.  When these pieces are not install, there is sufficient service loop in the wire to be able to work on the LED installation.

This is what it looks like.  Placement of these LEDs is not ideal.  But there are limited choices.  This seems to give the best overall lighting.  It might be better with more front lighting, but there is nothing to connect to. That would leave lighting from below, but somehow that would not look right.  

The original module did not have lighting, so this is far better that what was there before.


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