This is a really quick update. The weather has been very cloudy the past few days. So I disconnected the solar panel from the circuit. The battery was at 14.40 VDC. Three days later when I checked the battery, it was at 13.45VDC. So it is obviously going to last one night and may last many days with little sun.
I have made the changes I discussed in the last Update Post. They are installed, but there are issues. This means I really need to take the laptop out to the shed and work on it there. Most importantly the LED lighting turns on now. But it won't turn off. The OLED does display the counts as an alternate screen, but it is updating too fast.
Finally based on the voltge drop over 3 days, not sure what the super cap is going to add. What it will do is stretch the battery out. So if there is no solar power for many days and the LED lighting is used, it will stretch the battery in those circumstances. Under normal operation, it is just providing a surge for the circuit.
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