Thursday, March 2, 2023

First Look at the Space Base Hangers

Here is what the left side (backside looking forward) hanger configuration is looking like now.  I have done some major renovations on this to make it more stable and more supportive of the roof area.  The roof area is the top of MOC as shown here.  (This view is 180 degrees out from the above view.)

The gantry area has sufficient room for minifigs.  One thing I am not pleased with yet is the railing.  I have used this design elsewhere (as shown below), but I am still not sure this is the best choice.  There needs to be something.  You can 't have the gantry open to the floor, not realistic I picked this design since the transparent light blue went with the glass structure elsewhere in the MOC.  But it seems to "heavy".  Something much lighter would be better, but I have not found anything yet.  

The only alternative design I have that might work are these.  These are an interesting idea at least. The issue here is that this will blend into the flooring which is also the same light bluish gray.

Something to think about 😒

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