Monday, February 26, 2024

Another Curved Cliff - Part 5


Small aside here.  Power distribution on the other side of the display was improved as described in this post.  I needed to do this here also.  This is 20 gauge wire that runs another neither the bottom of each platform.  

This picture was taken before the change of where the angular sides would be as described in the previous post. 

Another view.

Here you can see the wiring in the final configuration.

A change from the previous implementation is shown here.  Previously the connection wire was soldered into the distribution PCB.  Now there is a connector.  I was worried after Brick Palooza that the connector end (not the soldered end) would break.  This way I can bring extra wires and if one breaks, just remove it  and put in a new one.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Another Curved Cliff - Part 4


With the angles decided, I could work on verifying that the wedge plates are in the correct place.  To extend the angle line, the plates have to in certain places.  Otherwise the edge line will parallel, but not contiguous.  I learned this the hard way.

The cliff module on the left is a standard rectangular module.  The one on the right has the angle on the left side and a detachable module to form the angle on the right side.  This detachable module is needed to maintain the ability to fit in the standard container.

Now I working on the backing hanger space.  At first I thought the two modules would each a straight side and angular side.

Here you can see the left module and its angular side and the straight side on the adjoining module.

These two pictures show the left module finished and the beginnings of the right adjoining module.

But that idea did not last.  It became obvious that assembly of the display would be easier if the right module had both angular sides.  This was especially true when having to build the second floor and the top of the backing hanger space. And the right module, was a standard rectangular module.  This picture shows the prototyping of this concept.

Here is the two modules in the process of determining where the wedge plates will go.

These pictures show the final determination of the wedge plate placement.

Here the left module is basically finished and the right module is almost complete.  This is the final fit check.

Here is the left module base is finished.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Another Curved Cliff - Part 3

 The next step is determining the exact angle necessary to accommodate the curve.  This is done with wedge plates, but there are a limited number of angles available.  

I wanted to keep these two angle pieces.  They provide a sufficient bend without being excessive.

These are closeups of the two angle modules.

This picture shows the base of those two modules.  They are constructed on opposing 12 x 3 wedge plates.  A hinge piece hold the two pieces together.  This base provides a large platform on which to build.  This process was discussed in one of the first posts I ever did, you can read that post here.

But I can't put this on the cliff or the backing hanger space.  So I either rebuild the platform connector using a single wedge plate or find a wedge plate that is equivalent to these two wedge plates in this configuration.  As the photo shows I did this graphically, but I also did the calculation mathematically. 

It ends up that a 6 x 3 wedge plate is equivalent, as this photo shows. Now I have a single wedge plate angle to build the cliff on as well as the backing hanger space.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Loose Ends #3

 Things are progressing, jut have not had time to write about it.  So I pass these along without comment.  More to follow.


And several bulk LEGO buys along the way.  Here is some of it drying on the bathroom floor.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Another Curved Cliff - Part 2

The cliff base behind the module on the right is a straight forward cliff base.  Since the angular portion is on the other cliff base. 
Here is the cliff base with the floor supports.

Here are the two cliff bases in place.  It may be hard to see, but so far the angles are lining up.

Here the cliff base flooring is installed. The arrow points to where the wiring will come up from below.  by using the modified brick 1 x 2, with groove (p/n 4216), the groove will form a tunnel that the wire can transverse.

This shows the bottom of the cliff base and where the wire will exit.

This same 1 x 2 modified brick is used in the support wall.  There will have to be some playing with the rock face build and the wire.  Something similar to what I did on the other curved cliff as described in this post.  The wire will enter through the pin hole and this will power the LEDs on the first level.  The wire then comes back out the pin hole and will go to the second level and enter through another brick with pin hole to power the LEDs on the second level.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Another Curved Cliff - Part 1

Here is the last cliff hole.  Because the module on the right also extended well beyond the back, it had to be rebuilt.  That is what this post and the ones that follow are all about.  Another curved cliff needs to be built.  This one though will not have a 45 degree turn in it.  It will use the the set of wedge plates that are 3 x 2 (p/n 43722/437323) and those that are compatible with this angle (6 x 3 p/n 54383/54384 and 8 x 3 p/n 50304/50305).  Lining these up is a challenge, especially across multiple modules. 

This is the new base for the cliff sections.  I have lowered the backside to make it easier to connect the hanger areas.  This was raised to allow for the old style controllers that did not fit in the base. Now that all modules are converted to self contained controllers, I dont need this space and connecting up the hangers is now the priority. On the left you can see the angle connection.

Here it is in place.  This is still a prototype build.  I need to understand where all the "crash points" are and any that might be potential "crash points".

Another view from the front.

A more complete cliff base.  This has the cliff base supports for the flooring that will come later.  Also the left side is connected.  This side is not permanently attached, but uses a technic brick and pins to hold it in place.  This is required so the module will fit in the transport container.

Here it is in place. 

A view from the front.

Next is to build the cliff base that is to the right of this.

Monday, February 5, 2024

First Module Rebuild - Part 5

I am adding a new 4 barrel gun.  This new addition will replace the transparent blue flashing rock on top of the center section.  

Here is the back side as it sits on the top of the building.  Unlike the unit in the front in this post, the wire had to come out the back.  

Here is the LED in this area.  If you look carefully you can see a tower of round 1 x 1 bricks.  All the wiring goes down the center of these bricks.

So I had to drill a hole here to get the wires through.  I needed one power, one ground for the area LEDs and then two control wires for the four barrel gun on the top. 

There is an LED on the bottom that lights up the motor compartment.  Then a 1 x 2 modified plate with pin hole, is used to guide the wiring.

Even though I used modular building techniques to be able to access this area, the wiring is restricting the removal.  I need to think this through a little more.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

More Couches


In this post, I showed the completed couches on the build table.   Here they are in place in the recreation room.  I shortened some of the 3 seat couches into single seat ones.  Like arranging furniture in any space, some though needs to go into it.  You can see there are two conversation areas, one seating area and then the space in front of the large TV.

I have not decided on what will be on the TV yet.  Since the vinyl transfer material is expensive, I prefer to print as close to full sheets as possible.  My first thought was some Star Wars picture.  It might be the "in a galaxy far, far away" opening.  But I need to think on it for a bit.